Aaron is the Managing Director of Technology at Google Public Sector. He is responsible for the Technology strategy, accreditation, and solutions development for all Technology at Google Public Sector. Aaron oversees engagement with Engineering, Compliance, and Sales to ensure alignment and prioritization of resources in support of the GPS Technology Strategy, to bring the capabilities of Google Cloud to Public Sector customers including Department of Defense, Intelligence Community, Federal Civilian Agencies and State, Local and Educational customers. Before arriving at Google, Aaron was the CIO for the Department of the Navy. In that role, Aaron was responsible for the information technology and cyber activities for the Navy and Marine Corps, overseeing a workforce of more than 50,000 and the final authority for more than $12 billion in annual budget. Reporting to the Secretary of the Navy, Aaron was Principal Assistant for Information Management and accountable for policy, programming and budgeting associated with technology at the Department. While in role, Aaron established a broad Modernization program, consolidating 200 global networks and deploying modern cloud-based capabilities to 700,000 sailors, marines and civilians. Prior to the Department of the Navy, Aaron was the Senior Advisor to the Department of Defense CIO. He was focused on driving strategy and support for the critical CIO programs, including Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC), Enterprise Cloud, Cyber, and Command, Control and Communications (C3). He led the effort to develop the DoD Enterprise Cloud Strategy as well as the DoD IT Modernization strategy. Aaron led the first ever CIO accreditation of the $46 billion IT budget across the Department.